From the desk of Sonia Gibson
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PART 2: Solving The Cashflow Puzzle, What Causes Cash Shortfalls & What To Do About It
In Part 1 we looked at the scary, but meaningless, statistics around cashflow and business failure and answered the question how much cash is enough cash. In Part 2 we are going to take a more detailed look at the specific actions that result in cashflow shortfalls with businesses and what actions you can take to avoid becoming part of this atrocious statistic.
PART 1: Solving The Cashflow Puzzle, How Much Is Enough?
Over the years I have been asked to talk or write about cashflow. I have found it incredibly hard to do so and do my best to avoid it. Until recently I found the concept of cashflow rather abstract (a bit of a worry seeing as I'm an accountant). It sounds simple enough. Money in versus money out, but what does that really mean?